
Love Being an Aunt :)

I thought it'd be appropriate for my first blog to be about my favorite BOY :) This story is a prime example about how even the good ones break your heart!

On Sunday my fav older bro Brandon and his fam (Rache Train, Cannon Ball, and about one week old cutie "Brookin") came over for dinner.
They made their grand entrance to our home looking physically and emotionally exhausted from all the excitement they've had these last few weeks. So being the fav aunt I am, I thought it'd be fun to make cookies with the Can man after dinner so the parents could sit down and try and relax without the little guy bothering them. So Cannon and I start of great on our cookie adventure. Conversation couldn't have been better! This kid loves Toy Story. So naturally I ask him about Toy Story 3, we talk about how funny Mr. and Mrs. Potatoe Head are, how much we LOVE Woody and Buzz, how scary the fire scene was in the movie, and how Lotso was such a mean bear, blah blah blah. Throughout the whole convo I am seriously supplying this kid with more cookie dough then anyone should consume, thinking I am the best aunt ever! He's laughing telling me about how he likes to go to the splash splash (pool), and what else he's done today, then literally while I'm handing him yet another spoonful of cookie dough he looks straight at me and asks....."What's your name?".....

What the Heck?!?!?!! Seriously kid! I was so Bummed!!! How can you forget your fav Aunts name?! I just stared at him in disbelief for a few seconds. Then politely let him know my name is Jackie and I am your favorite Aunt. Don't forget it!!! Even though the kid is a stink sometimes he still is such a sweetie! Brandon describes him as being such a BRO (whatever that means :)) But you still cant help but love the butthead!


  1. Jackie! I love you blog! so cute! Super funny that Cannon forgot your name. Don't worry I am sure he knows you are wonderful. He just hasn't bothered to commit you to memory yet. I mean it's not like you are the one who feeds him all the time. Except for cookie dough...which in my book commits anyone to memory. Hey where did you get your big J? I love it and might just want to put one on my blog also!

  2. Love the blog old woman.

  3. Ha ha ha, Awesome story! I love nieces and nephews, they are hilarious!

  4. Jackie... I'm loving the blog!!! I know your name :) thanks for making me laugh tonight
    - <3 your significant other ;)
