

Favorite Coldplay Song. 
Whenever I listen to Coldplay I'm taken back to 2 places...

Provo Utah Summer of '05
United Kingdom Summer of '08

Good memories with both. I Love Coldplay...Band #2 on my list :)


Today is...

... Fantastic
So the last few weeks I've been sporting the cool coughing thing and pretty much just lazy. Last night I realized, I hate being lazy. Seriously it feels disgusting. So after my 13 1/2 hour shift...thanks TJB... I decided to hit up the gym to get some good tred time. I HATE the tredmill...record mileage for me on a tred is 13 miles. That was the last time I ever ran on a tred...until last night. With the still getting over cold though I figured indoors last night was better then out. Its amazing what 2 weeks of not running does to you. The best part is I woke up  this morning with a familiar, but welcome pain. I love to run.

You should read this.


when i grow old.

i have a plan.
this plan involves me never living in a nursing home.
no one will refer to me as a "resident."
this is a good plan. 



someday has finally come....again.

So last night I was reading out of my Dad's journal from when he was dating the beautiful, soon to be Karen Lynette Beveridge Ball....Barrow. I fell upon the gem I posted yesterday. Lame way to "find yourselves engaged" if you ask me. Overall I was disappointed in his account of one of the most important moments in their courtship, but he redeemed himself by making the adorable statement....someday has finally come. My Dad is so Cute! He made me realize I am so excited/ready for my someday to finally come!

Be careful what you wish for.

Thanks to my unnecessary and overpriced CNA class, I have picked up some illness. Probably from the toothless instructor from Louisiana. I love quality education. After coughing up a lung, and walking around with my eyes struggling to stay half open at work today, one of the doctors offered to listen to my lungs. Turns out I have bronchitis. I was given doctors orders to go pick up an antibiotic and hit my bed for the evening. Obeying his command I swung by the local wall to pick up my prescription. While I was waiting for the pharmacy I decided to take a lap around the store and pick up some chocolate milk...my sickie drink of choice. With milk and redboxed rental in hand I headed back towards the pharmacy and it happened. I was struck with my someday.

I cant believe I forgot about you!
All I can say now is thank you. Thank You Hersey's for giving me the best kiss ever! ...and reminding me somedays come yearly in my life.


someday has finally come

May 27, 1979
I picked up Karen at noon and went to church at Tal and Barbara's ward then went to their house for dinner. Later we went to visit Dave and LaVaun. We went to Karen's apartment and sat on her couch until we found ourselves engaged to each other. We came home and told Mom and Dad. Their reaction was very pleasing. Later Spence came in and we told him too.
Someday has finally come.

Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous.

I have decided it is time for a change.

Tonight I am finding myself sitting in front of a gas fireplace, drinking diet coke, listening to itunes finest, and sniffling up a storm. The last few days I have been blessed with a nasty head cold....which comes with its good friend Insomnia. I've decided to take this lack of sleep as an opportunity to update this incredibly neglected blog.

I'm living the charmed life. Attend a prestigious college, work as a medical assistant, live off chicken broth and progressive soup, go on dates with only the most stand up men, and enjoy good running sessions. What could be better. There is some truth in my above statement. Lately I have been huge on goal setting. I feel like I am constantly working towards something which is an awesome feeling. I was reading old ensigns and I came across this Golden Oldie. I realize this is all about depression (disclaimer I'm not depressed) but I did really like this quote...."To reach a goal you have never before attained, you must do things you have never before done." This should be an easy concept to understand, but it was so profound when I read it! I love pushing myself, and seeing what I can really handle. I love taking challenges and pushing myself to be better. So I have already made a new list of goals, and have started working on a new project.....
...more to come on that later.