
Shaun White...you're a Babe

I'm so fascinated by dreams. Lately I have been having some off the hook crazy dreams. Seriously I'm considering keeping a dream journal for future reference. Thinking back, I can group my dreams into three different categories; chick-flick, nightmares/scary, and unexplained happenings.  
Chick Flicks
As far as I'm concerned, every girl participates in the chick flick dreaming category. This category involves your typical fairytale dream. Usually occurs during relationship or early stages of real life dating. For me it most commonly occurs after watching a chick-flick. I have dreamed myself as the leading lady of "How to Loose a Guy in 10 Days" an embarrassing amount of times. Happy uplifting dreams also fall into this category. When it comes down to it, these dreams really are the best stories, that unfortunately you are the only one lucky enough to see for a few reasons. First the dream is only cute and charming when you are unconscious, and second you usually cant remember everything that happens. But man it was awesome when you were dreaming.
When I was a little girl I would have  the same nightmare all the time. At this point in life I had 2 major fears. Dinosaurs coming back to life, and the end of the world. Sunday school made me believe the end of the world was going to happen tomorrow. I was constantly terrified I would wake up to earthquakes, bursting flames, roads cracking revealing the center of the earth, and the devil grabbing my ankle and pulling me into a sea of fire (I think I got this idea from the movie Anastasia.) My nightmare would combine these 2 great childhood fears into the most disturbing nightmare. One night I was praying before I went to bed, and decided to ask for good dreams. That night I did not dream about devil dinosaurs, and have prayed every night for good dreams since. I know repetition is bad...but I'm still scared of this dream! I can honestly say I haven't had this nightmare or another one since I've started asking for sweet dreams :)
Unusual Happenings
This category is the most fascinating to me. These are the dreams that leave you thinking...How did I even think of that? or Why did I think of that? These are my favorite. You can't really relate anything that's happening in your life to the dream...its just flat out bizarre or random. The other night I was blessed with such a dream. I was walking down a school campus, not sure what school. All of a sudden I run into Shaun White. Long dream summed up..he asked me on a date and was very charming. Never have I thought..."Man that McTwistin Flying Tomato is Pretty Hott!"  Yet there I was dreaming about him. I woke up and couldn't help but laugh. The mind is amazing. I am so excited for the day that the secrets of the mind will be revealed to us. There totally is going to be a class in the next life explaining why our unconscious mind took us to places we had no explanation for.


  1. Jackie, I love this. and I love you.

  2. you SHOULD keep a dream journal. catchy title by the way. miss you!

  3. If I could pick any profession... it would be a dream interpreter (if it even is a profession)... and I'm serious. I'm as fascinated by these as you are! And I would totally help out out with your crazy dreams... cause thats what best friends do!

  4. Love your description of dreams. I agree wholeheartedly with the categories. And hey Shaun White is mighty fine. I hope you went snowboarding on your date.
